Alexander Martin Gross


This article considers Orson Welles's Othello (1952) as a performance text in its own right, and discusses the film's use of cinematographic techniques in constructing a visual language which complements the verbal language of Shakespeare's playtext. The 1965 National Theatre filmed production of Othello (dir. Stuart Burge) is also discussed in order to further highlight the cinematic qualities of the Welles production. Particular attention is paid to Welles's use of cinematographic techniques and black and white photography to foreground themes of enclosure, entrapment, and opposition in his visual interpretation of the playtext. The film is considered as an example of visual rewrighting, using Alan Dessen's term which applies to situations where a director moves closer to the role of a playwright.

KEYWORDS: Shakespeare on film. Othello. Performance.



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DOI: 10.5935/1679-5520.20160020

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