Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos, Andrey Felipe Martins


Alice Milligan is known for the role she had in revitalizing theatre during the Irish Cultural Revival. Breaking with the hegemony of English forms in Irish drama, she employed her plays as a means of disseminating historical knowledge. Especially in the play The Daughter of Donagh, she dramatizes a subject that is essential to understand the religious divide of the Irish society at the turn of the nineteenth century: the establishment of the Cromwellian plantations during the English Revolution. Among her influences, the work of John Milton stands out. Thus, this paper intends to explore the intertextual relations which the play establishes with Milton’s work, showing that such a dialogue offers elements for criticism of the biblical trope of the unfaithful wife.

Keywords: Irish Theatre. John Milton. Alice Milligan.


DOI: 10.5935/1679-5520.20190039


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DOI: 10.5935/1679-5520.20190039

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