Brunilda Reichmann


In lyrics, painting and poetry, cinema and other media, the Apocalypse has been a fascinating and inexhaustible theme. Robert Frost, a North-American poet, is one of the voices that, with his unpretentious poem "Fire and Ice", offers an apocalyptic vision of the universe to his readers. Several films have worked with the same idea – that fire or ice would end up destroying the world. Von Trier's film, Melancholia (2011), on the other hand, presents a quite different suggestion regarding the end – a collision between two planets. For him, the imaginary planet, Melancholia, which obscures one of the guardian stars of the constellation of Scorpio – Antares –, is apparently in a collision course with the Earth and, in the end, the planets clash, causing total destruction. To enhance the effect of his creation, von Trier uses computer-generated imagery (CGI) and Wagner’s music. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how some artists develop a sui generis vision of the end of the world.

Keywords: Arts. Media. Intertextuality. Intermediality.


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DOI: 10.5935/1679-5520.20160015

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